Alan Storm 博客翻译
Alan Storm 博客翻译
Magento 2: Advanced Javascript
- 初始化 Javascript
- KnockoutJS 入门指南
- Magento 2: KnockoutJS Integration (翻译中。。。)
- The Curious Case of Magento 2 Mixins
- Knockout Observables for Javascript Programmers
- Modifying a jQuery Widget in Magento 2
Magento 2 for PHP MVC Developers
- Introduction to Magento 2 -- No More MVC
- Magento 2: Serving Frontend Files
- Magento 2: Adding Frontend Files to your Module
- Magento 2: Code Generation with Pestle
- Magento 2: Adding Frontend Assets via Layout XML
- Magento 2 and RequireJS
- Magento 2 and the Less CSS Preprocessor
- Magento 2: CRUD Models for Database Access
- Magento 2: Understanding Object Repositories
- Magento 2: Understanding Access Control List Rules
- Magento 2: Admin Menu Items
- Magento 2: Advanced Routing
- Magento 2: Admin MVC/MVVM Endpoints
The Magento 2 Object System
- Magento 2 Object Manager
- Magento 2's Automatic Dependency Injection
- Magento 2 Object Manager Preferences
- Magento 2 Object Manager Argument Replacement
- Magento 2 Object Manager Virtual Types
- Magento 2 Object Manager: Proxy Objects
- Magento 2 Object Manager: Instance Objects
- Magento 2 Object Manager Plugin System
Magento 2 and Composer
- Magento 2: Composer, Marketplace, and Satis
- Magento 2: Composer Plugins
- Magento 2: Composer and Components
Magento 2 UI Components
- Magento 2: 介绍 UI 组件
- Magento 2: Simplest UI Component
- Magento 2: Simplest UI Knockout Component
- Magento 2: Simplest XSD Valid UI Component
- Magento 2: ES6 Template Literals
- Magento 2: uiClass Data Features
- Magento 2: UI Component Data Sources
- Magento 2: UI Component Retrospective
- Observables, uiElement Objects, and Variable Tracking
- Magento 2: uiElement Features and Checkout Application
- Magento 2: Remaining uiElement Defaults
- Magento 2: Knockout.js Template Primer
- Magento 2 UI Component Code Generation
Magento 2: uiElement Internals
- Magento 2: Defaults, uiElement, Observables, and the Fundamental Problem of Userland Object Systems
- Magento 2: Javascript Primer for uiElement Internals
- Tracing Javascript's Prototype Chain
- Magento 2: uiElement Standard Library Primer
- Magento 2: Using the uiClass Object Constructor
- Magento 2: uiClass Internals
Alan Storm ,牛X人物,无数 Magentor 的启蒙人
有想翻译的小伙伴,请留言,然后我会把对应的目录链接你的贴子哦 (~ ̄▽ ̄)~