M2 批量导入产品

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M2 批量导入产品



The CSV File Structure

Let’s have a look at CSV file structure for Magento 2 product import. Below, you can find a detailed description of its columns.

a unique product identifier used as a key product attribute in the
Magento 2 core. It is required for all products and should be unique for
each of them. sku can include both digits and letters without spaces
separated with underscores (_) and dashes (-).

store_view_code – an associated store view code. The column can be empty if an associated store / website have a single sub item.

attribute_set_code –
a product attribute set code. Create and configure an attribute set
before importing products into Magento 2. It should look exactly the
same as an attribute set name including capital letters (e.g. “Default”,
“Man shoes” etc.)
product_type – the type of an imported product. Use only lowercase letters (small, configurable etc.) 必须小写
categories –
product categories in Magento 2 differs from ones utilized in Magento
1, where comma separated category ids are used. In Magento 2, full names
of assigned categories, including full path, are required. Besides,
assigned categories should be separated by |. For instance, “Default
Category/Gear|Default Category/Gear/Bags” means that product should be
assigned to both Gear and Bags categories. The latest one is a
subcategory of Gear.  和v1的逗号分割id不同。v2里是分类的完整路径名称,用|分割。
product_websites – an associated product website code. Use lowercase letters only (e.g. “base”). 只能小写
name – a product name.
description – a product description. 可以包含HTML
short_description – a short description of a product. Both, description and short description, could include valid HTML tags.可以包含HTML
weight – a weight of a product. Requires using the following format 1.00000.
product_online – enables or disables products. Use 1 or 2 respectively. 是否在线产品。用1标示是,2表示否
tax_class_name – a product tax class. Allows using capital later and spaces, like in Magento 2 backend (e.g. “Taxable Goods”). 税务等级
visibility – a visibility of a product (e.g. “Catalog, Search”, “Not Visible Individually” etc.). 可见

price – a price of a product (e.g. 34.000). 价格
special_price – a special price of a product (e.g. 34.000). 特价
special_price_from_date – time when Magento starts using a special price instead of a default one (e.g. ’2015-09-01 15:26:29’). 特价开始日期
special_price_to_date – time when MAgento stops using a special price (e.g. ’2015-09-01 15:26:29’). 特价截止日期
url_key – an URL key of product. In case of an empty field, a value is generated automatically based on a product name.
meta_title – a meta title of a product. 产品页meta标签标题
meta_keywords – product meta keywords meta关键字
meta_description – a product meta description meta描述
base_image –
the main product’s image and its path. Should be uploaded to
/pub/media/import. The path of /sample_data/m/b/mb01-blue-0.jpg has the
following structure: /pub/media/import/sample_data/m/b/mb01-blue-0.jpg.
In addition, you can use a direct URL of an image, such as
base_image_label – a label of a base product image. 主要图片路径。相对路径或URL路径。
small_image –
a name and a path related to a small product image. Should be also
uploaded to /pub/media/import. The path of
/sample_data/m/b/mb01-blue-0.jpg has the following structure:
/pub/media/import/sample_data/m/b/mb01-blue-0.jpg. In addition, you can
use a direct URL of an image, such as
small_image_label – a label of a small product image. 小图地址
thumbnail_image –
a name and a path related to a thumbnail product image. Should be
uploaded to /pub/media/import as well. The path of
/sample_data/m/b/mb01-blue-0.jpg has the following structure:
/pub/media/import/sample_data/m/b/mb01-blue-0.jpg. In addition, you can
use a direct URL of an image, such as
http://site.com/images/some_image.jpg. 缩图地址
thumbnail_image_label – a product thumbnail label 缩图标签
created_at –
time when a product was created. Use the following format: yyyy-mm-dd
hh-mm-ss (e.g. 2015-09-01 22:26:27). If the field is empty, date and
time of data base record are used. 创建日期。注意格式。
updated_at –
time when a product was updated in. Use the following format:
yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss (e.g. 2015-09-01 22:26:27). If the field is empty,
date and time of data base record are used. 更新日期
new_from_date –
sets a product as “new” from the specified date. Use the following
format: yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss (e.g. 2015-09-01 22:26:27). 开始设为new的日期
new_to_date –
stops displaying a product as “new” from the specified date. Use the
following format: yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss (e.g. 2015-09-01 22:26:27).
display_product_options_in –
it is a new feature introduced in Magento 2 which specifies a place on a
product page where a block with options should be displayed (e.g.
“Block after Info Column”). V2的新技能
map_price – a minimum price of a product.
msrp_price – a product’s MSRP price.
map_enabled – use it to enable / disable a product’s minimum price.
gift_message_available – shows that a gift message is available and will be displayed for a particular product.
custom_design – a custom design of a product page.
custom_design_from – a starting date for a custom design of a product page.
custom_design_to – an end date for a custom design of a product page.
custom_layout_update – a custom XML layout for a product page
page_layout – a product page layout (e.g. 1 Column). If empty the field is empty, a default product layout is used.
product_options_container – a product options container.
msrp_display_actual_price_type – a type of a product’s MSRP price.
country_of_manufacture – a country of origin.
additional_attributes –
import of product custom options and data related to a simple product
associated to a configurable product. A sample value for a simple
product associated to configurable product:
“color=Red,has_options=0,required_options=0,size_pants=32” (Color
attribute is “Red,” simple product has options in Magento 2: has_options
= 0 – no required options, size pants attribute value is 32). A sample
value for a configurable product in Magento 2 –
“has_options=1,required_options=1” (Product has required options, simple
product SKU is associated in the _associated_sku column ). 附加属性
qty – a quantity of a particular product in stock. 库存数
out_of_stock_qty – an out of stock quantity of a particular product.
use_config_min_qty – use minimum quantity value from config.
is_qty_decimal – set 1 if a quantity can be decimal.
allow_backorders – set 1 if backorders are enabled.
use_config_backorders – use a default system value for backorder options (enable / disable).
min_cart_qty – a minimum required quantity of a product in shopping cart.
use_config_min_sale_qty – use a default config value for determining a minimum quantity of a sale product.
max_cart_qty – a maximum quantity of a product in a shopping cart.
use_config_max_sale_qty – use a default config value to determine a maximum quantity of a product in a shopping cart.
is_in_stock – 1 – a product is in stock, 0 – a product is out of stock.
notify_on_stock_below – set a minimum product quantity to start a notification about a low stock level.
use_config_notify_stock_qty – use a default system value for a product’s low stock notification.
– to control a stock quantity of a product set 1. By setting 0 you
allow Magento 2 to consider a product has an unlimited stock level.
use_config_manage_stock – use a default system configuration value for stock management.
use_config_qty_increments – use a product quantity increment from current store configuration. Set 1 to enable; set 0 to disable.
qty_increments – a product quantity increment.
use_config_enable_qty_inc – use a default store configuration value to enable a product quantity increment.
enable_qty_increments – set 1 or 0 to enable or disable product quantity increment.
is_decimal_divided – set 1 if a product quantity increment can be decimal.
website_id – an associated product website ID
related_skus – related products SKUs separated with commas (e.g. 24-WG085_Group,24-WG086,24-WG083-blue,24-UG01)
crosssell_skus – cross-sale product SKUs separated with commas (e.g. 24-WG085_Group,24-WG086,24-WG083-blue,24-UG01)
upsell_skus – upsallers product SKUs separated with comma (e.g. 24-WG085_Group,24-WG086,24-WG083-blue,24-UG01)
additional_images –
additional product images (product media gallery) separated with
commas. Images should be uploaded to /pub/media/import. The path of
/sample_data/m/b/mb01-blue-0.jpg has the following structure:
/pub/media/import/sample_data/m/b/mb01-blue-0.jpg. In addition, you can
use a direct URL of an image, such as
http://site.com/images/some_image.jpg. 附件图片
additional_image_labels – Сomma separated labels for additional product images from the previous column. 附加图片标签
_associated_sku – an associated simple product SKU for a configurable product (several values should be separated with commas).
_associated_default_qty – a default quantity for associated products
_associated_position – associated products position, based on the _associated_sku column





"Value for 'length' attribute contains incorrect value, see acceptable values on settings specified for Admin"




'_import_multiple_value_separator' => '&&&'


比如additional_attributes的内容为: 'length=31,waist=28'

就改成 'length=31&&&waist=28'

比如additional_images的内容为: 'a.jpg,b.jpg'

就改成 'a.jpg&&&b.jpg'